An international team of artists and scientists is creating a graphic novel to tell the story of the forgotten woman who introduced agar (and its derivative, agarose) to the life sciences, Fanny Angelina Hesse (1850-1934). The story will present the historical context and present significance of agar and its uses. A major source will be new historical material about Fanny Angelina Hesse shared by the great-grandchildren.

Please support the team in their Kickstarter campaign, if you can! The Kickstarter campaign will run until 20 July 2024.

In a nutshell

This project seeks support to create a graphic novel about Fanny Angelina Hesse, the forgotten woman who introduced agar to the life sciences.

  •  Indonesian desserts contain agar (called "agar-agar"), a gelling agent used instead of gelatine
  • Agar (and its derivative, agarose) is used in almost every laboratory in research, medicine, and industry; thanks to agar we have antibiotics and vaccines and much more!
  • We have received unpublished historical material from Fanny Angelina Hesse's descendants, which will be a major source for this story
  • This material will be deposited at the Museum of the Robert Koch Institute in Berlin (Germany); this story will live forever!
  • The graphic novel format will make this story accessible to a broad audience; we really want this story to be enjoyable by many readers!

What is this story about?

This is the story of a forgotten woman. A transparent substance. An invisible force.

This is the story of how Fanny Angelina Hesse introduced agar to the life sciences. Agar is an ingredient in Indonesian desserts; it is also an essential substance (along with its derivative, agarose) in almost every laboratory in research, medicine, and industry.

Thanks to agar (and thanks to Fanny Angelina Hesse!) today we have antibiotics, vaccines, and so much more! Agar is the substance used every day for culturing microbes in Petri dishes.




Aussteller gesucht für die European Researchers' Night 2024!

Seid dabei, wenn wir am 27. September von 15:00 bis 20:00 Uhr an der Universität Graz das Event "Life is Science in a World turned Upside Down" veranstalten. Präsentiert eure Forschung und interagiert mit einem neugierigen Publikum. Highlight des Abends: das Science Slam Österreich Finale! Interessiert daran, Teil dieses einzigartigen Wissenschaftsfestivals zu werden? Dann retourniert uns euer ausgefülltes Ausstellerdatenblatt! Anmeldeschluss ist der 30. Juni.


Open Science -News 05/2024

Wednesday, 15 May 2024 04:02

Open Science

Am 24.5.2024 findet wieder die Lange Nacht der Forschung statt! Open Science ist dieses Mal mit Mitmachstationen zum Thema Allergien und zur Genschere CRISPR an zwei Standorten mit dabei.

Bei unseren Projekten hat sich in letzter Zeit viel getan, wie etwa bei "Indikina": Unser interaktives Kinderbuch zum Thema Allergien bekommt aktuell noch den letzten Feinschliff und wird im Juni am Kinderliteraturfestival in Wien präsentiert! Im Projekt "BaMiKo" wird fleißig gekocht, und das möglichst ballaststoffreich. Ein Wettbewerb soll bald entscheiden, welche Rezepte von Schüler:innen als Videos gestaltet werden. Und unser Projekt "Genetik: Betrifft mich (nicht)?" haben wir abgeschlossen und sind um viele schöne Erfahrungen reicher.

In unserem neuesten Newsartikel können Sie nachlesen, wie der Mensch die Evolution beeinflusst.

Übrigens: Wir suchen noch Teilnehmer:innen für unsere Studie zu Gesundheitsthemen in den Medien.

Viel Spaß beim Lesen, Schmökern und bei der Langen Nacht der Forschung wünscht das Open Science Team!


Open Science bei der Langen Nacht der Forschung 2024

Am 24.5.2024 ist Open Science wieder bei der Langen Nacht der Forschung mit dabei, dieses Mal mit Mitmachstationen zum Thema Allergie und zur Genschere CRISPR/Cas an zwei Standorten in Wien.


Indikina: Buchpräsentation im Juni

Unser interaktives Kinderbuch zum Thema Allergien ist bald fertig! Als erste Testleser:innen klickten sich Volksschulkinder der EVS Goldschlagstraße vor kurzem mit großer Begeisterung durch das Buch.


BaMiKo: Kochworkshops in vollem Gange

Seit Februar bereits tüfteln Schüler:innen der HBLFA Tirol im Rahmen des Projekts BaMiKo an ballaststoffreichen Gerichten. Welche davon es bald auch als Video-Version geben wird, entscheidet der Rezeptwett-bewerb im Juni.


Projektabschluss und Ausblick - Genetik: Betrifft mich (nicht)?

Mit April 2024 haben wir nach eineinhalb Jahren das Projekt "Genetik: Betrifft mich (nicht)?" erfolgreich abgeschlossen und sind um viele Erfahrungen reicher.


Einladung zur Studienteilnahme: Medizin in den Medien

Für eine wissenschaftliche Studie möchten wir Sie über Ihre Leseerfahrung zu Gesundheitsthemen in den österreichischen Medien befragen.

Genetik und Zellbiologie

Mensch beeinflusst Evolution stärker als gedacht

Forscher:innen der Veterinär-medizinischen Universität (Vetmeduni) Wien konnten zeigen, dass sich das Erbgut der Fruchtfliegen im Laufe der Zeit massiv verändert hat. Schuld daran ist vermutlich der Mensch.

mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Büro: +43 (0)676 84 65 462



Wednesday, 27 March 2024 09:44


Rockfish Bio AG

Wednesday, 27 March 2024 12:05

Rockfish Bio AG

Call for Application: Peers4Careers 2024

Tuesday, 30 January 2024 02:10

Peers4Careers is back! Applications will be accepted through March 3, 2024 exclusively via a brief video statement. Please email your 2-minute video to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Setting goals is easy, but reaching them is not always straightforward. That's where Peers4Careers (P4C) steps in – a transformative 9-month accountability program designed to empower you on your journey towards success! This program targets young but also experienced researchers, no matter whether you just started with your PhD or have been affiliated with academia for a long time.

P4C is the perfect program to help you reach your career goals with confidence and determination! An accountability partnership is an incredibly powerful tool for setting goals and staying motivated with support from peers and our accountability expert, Simone Poetscher from Thrycon! Together you will work on self-reflection, collaboration, and motivation.

The program includes a 2-day P4C Retreat supporting you in identifying your core values, setting a specific goal, and establishing action steps to achieve it. For 9 months, you will dedicate time each week to reach your goal. Your peers will keep you motivated, and an experienced accountability expert will guide you to growth and success.

THE MORE YOU PUT IN, THE MORE YOU GET OUT! Don't miss out on the opportunity to join our P4C Info Session on February 15th from 11 - 12 noon. You will get more insights on the program structure and how you will benefit from it. Register here.

For more information on the application process, please check out our website or get connected with one of our program managers in charge, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
?subject=Peers4Careers"> Simone Fürst.

The FEMSmicro Monthly: January

Monday, 05 February 2024 10:50

As member of the ÖGMBT you are automatically also member of the Federation of European Microbiology Societies (FEMS).

Dear member,
FEMS Journals
Nominate Now For FEMS-Jensen Award And FEMS-Lwoff Award!
News For Our Community
Big Thank You To All 2023 Reviewers!
Monthly Opportunity
More Info
Grant & Award Deadlines
FEMS Grants

The FEMS journals are run by microbiologists, and for microbiologists. Every article published by us has been rigorously reviewed for soundness of science by our community of academic peer reviewers – and any surplus revenue generated by the not-for-profit journals goes directly into supporting the microbiology community.

Österreich als starker Pharmastandort

Wien (OTS/BMAW) -
Österreich zählt zu den führenden Pharma-Standorten weltweit mit internationaler Forschung und einem stetig expandierenden Unternehmensumfeld. Mit einem Anteil von sieben Prozent am Bruttoinlandsprodukt und rund 60.000 Arbeitsplätzen ist der Life Science-Sektor nicht nur von zentraler Bedeutung für die Gesundheitsversorgung, sondern auch für den Standort. Um diese Vorreiterrolle weiter zu stärken, wurde 2022 ein FFG-Life-Science Paket in Höhe von 50 Millionen Euro aufgelegt. Dieses stieß auf eine große Nachfrage. 118 Anträge wurden von 108 Unternehmen eingereicht. Aufgrund dieses großen Erfolgs setzt das Arbeits- und Wirtschaftsministerium den Life Science-Schwerpunkt bei der Österreichischen Forschungsförderungsgesellschaft (FFG) mit einem weiteren Forschungsinvestitionspaket in Höhe von 45 Millionen Euro für die Jahre 2024 bis 2026 fort. Zusätzlich profitiert der Life Science Sektor erheblich von der steuerlichen Forschungsprämie. Im langjährigen Durchschnitt werden ca. 15 - 20 Prozent des Gesamtvolumens - dieses betrug 2023 immerhin 1,2 Milliarden Euro - von Unternehmen aus dem Life Science Bereich beantragt.

„Die Pharma-Branche zählt zu den strategischen Schlüsselindustrien und mit über 60.000 Beschäftigten auch zu den wichtigsten Arbeitgebern. Darüber hinaus stärkt sie die Zukunfts- und Wettbewerbsfähigkeit sowie die Resilienz des Standorts. Es ist unser Ziel, die besten Rahmenbedingungen für Patientinnen und Patienten und für heimische Betriebe zu schaffen, um die Gesundheitsversorgung sowie Wohlstand und Arbeitsplätze im Land zu sichern. Daher investieren wir 45 Millionen Euro zusätzlich in den Life Science- und Pharmastandort Österreich“, so Arbeits- und Wirtschaftsminister Martin Kocher.

„Aufgrund der langen Entwicklungszeiten, des hohen Entwicklungsrisikos und strenger regulatorischer Vorgaben verlangt der Life Science-Sektor nach passgenauer Unterstützung. Mit dem ‚Austrian Life Sciences-Programme‘ bietet die FFG nun seit zwei Jahren ein Erfolg versprechendes Förderinstrument an – dies bestätigt auch die hohe Nachfrage", so FFG-Geschäftsführerin Henrietta Egerth. „Daher freut es uns besonders, das ‚Austrian Life Sciences-Programme‘ im Auftrag des Wirtschaftsministeriums weiterzuführen und damit einen wesentlichen Beitrag zur Stärkung Österreichs als Life Science- und Pharmastandort zu leisten.“

Über das Programm „Austrian Life Sciences“

Das neue Programm wird durch die Österreichische Forschungsförderungsgesellschaft (FFG) abgewickelt. Gefördert werden Forschungs- und Entwicklungsprojekte, klinische Studien bzw. Leitprojekte mit kleineren und größeren Projektvolumen. Die Förderungsobergrenzen liegen bei einer Million Euro bei Unternehmensprojekten der Industriellen Forschung, drei Millionen Euro im Falle von Unternehmensprojekten der Experimentellen Entwicklung und klinischen Studien sowie vier Millionen Euro beim Leitprojekt. Für die Jahre 2024 bis 2026 stehen insgesamt 45 Millionen Euro für Förderungen zur Verfügung. Förderungen werden im Laufe des 1. Quartals 2024 möglich sein. Das Geld wird gezielt dazu verwendet, unternehmerische, angewandte Forschung im Pharma- und Life Science-Bereich entlang des gesamten Entwicklungszyklus zu fördern.

Über Österreich als Pharmastandort

Über 1.000 Firmen der Life Science Branche erzielten im Jahr 2020 einen Rekordumsatz von 25,1 Milliarden Euro. Mehr als sieben Prozent des österreichischen BIP entfallen auf den Life Science Bereich. Mit einer Forschungsquote von 20,5 Prozent ist die Branche besonders innovationsfreudig und zählt zu den Top-Innovatoren. Die Branche beschäftigt über 60.000 hochqualifizierte Arbeitskräfte, mit einem Beschäftigungsplus von 8,9 Prozent seit 2018.

Bundesministerium Arbeit und Wirtschaft
Presseabteilung - Wirtschaft
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Weitere Informationen zum Austrian Life Sciences Programm:


The Human Frontiers Science Program has opened its interdisciplinary, international research grants call and is looking for bold, high-risk, high-gain, game-changing applications in out-of-this-world life science. Dare you apply!?

Do you have a bold idea for a project – something you would never dare to write a proposal about as most funding agencies would reject it directly telling you it is “not feasible,” “too high risk,” “you have no preliminary data,” or “it cannot be done by a biologist”? What, if all these points are true of your idea? And – what if you would need to work with a smart physicist, a very skilled chemist, or an inventive modeller? Despite all obstacles you’re sure this is a compelling idea – one that might even change the way we think of biology.

Well, if this is YOU, then take a look at the Human Frontiers Science Program (HFSP):

HFSP awards Research Grants to interdisciplinary, international teams (preferably intercontinental) for cutting-edge, basic research in the life sciences and Fellowships to postdoctoral researchers, who either embark on a new field of investigation within the life sciences, or who move from another discipline – physics, chemistry, or engineering – into the life sciences.

The Human Frontiers Science Program asks for exactly the kind of features that cause other funders to shy away from a proposal. We want: bold ideas, high-risk, high-gain, game-changing concepts and researchers who are brave enough to try a new line of research!

HFSP Research Grants

The new call for HFSP Research Grants has just opened with a deadline in March. You need to get into the application system and initiate an application by 19 March 2024, at the latest, and submit the complete Letter of Intent by 28 March 2024. Research Grants are awarded to international and interdisciplinary teams of scientists, who have not collaborated before, but wish to work together to solve a fundamental question in the life sciences. HFSP offers two types of grant awards: Research Grants – Early Career and Research Grants Program.

HFSP Fellowships

The call for HFSP Postdoctoral Fellowships will also open soon with a submission deadline in May. There are two types of Fellowships. Long-Term Fellowships are for applicants with a PhD in the life sciences who want to move to a different country and in a new direction of research. Cross-Disciplinary Fellowships are for applicants who hold a doctoral degree in a non-biological discipline (e.g., physics, chemistry, mathematics, engineering, or computer sciences) and have not worked in the life sciences before.

Highlights of the Program

A recently awarded team developed new methods that allowed them to determine what our ancestors ate millions of years ago just by studying their teeth. Another team brought together material scientists and brain researchers to investigate whether there are similarities between how materials have memory and how our brains remember. And not long ago, a Swedish physicist with a PhD in experimental particle physics received an HFSP Cross-Disciplinary Fellowship to move to the USA and change his field of expertise to neurobiology and work on visual consciousness. Additional successful projects are featured at the HFSP Science Digest and also at and via the HFSP Awardees Database.

Details and Tips on Applications

The HFSP has a two-step selection process: first, Letter of Intent, and if you are successful, then full proposal. You can anticipate the entire review process will take one year for grants and nine months for fellowships. Only those projects with the highest potential to make a difference in the life sciences are awarded.

For Research Grants, of the 700–900 Letters of Intent submitted and evaluated annually about 15% advance to the Full Proposal stage, and 30–40% of Full Proposals are awarded. For Fellowships, the success rate is higher. For both funding schemes the critical step is writing a compelling, convincing Letter of Intent. How do you do that? Here are a few tips.

  • As you write your short description keep in mind that the review committee members are absolutely the top research scientists, have deep experience in cross-disciplinary investigations, and they are visionaries able to easily distinguish between off-the-shelf projects vs. frontier science.
  • Bear in mind that HFSP considers risk as positive, particularly if applicants are aware of the risks involved and have mitigation plans in mind.
  • HFSP wants visionary ideas and reviewers are looking for bold, adventurous concepts.
  • Reviewers not only span the life sciences: from virology and neuroscience to biochemistry and biophysics, but also mathematics, computer science, structural chemistry, and engineering. Thus, most likely, reviewers will NOT be specialists in your specific field, so be sure to explain your idea, including the expectations and methods, as if you were addressing a smart generalist, with broad interests in science.
  • Use simple language, organize your thoughts in a logical and interesting sequence, avoid acronyms, and don’t use hollow phrases, such as “this is absolute frontier science,” or “we are world experts in….” There is no need to overstate because it will be apparent from your selected publications that you are competent. If your idea is truly bold and earth-shaking it will shine all the more expressed in clear language.
  • Start writing your Letter of Intent early, read and rework it, get feedback. Finetune your description until it says precisely what you intend. One should not cite old white men too often, but a colleague of mine often referred to Winston Churchill (or was it Blaise Pascal?!), who was credited with saying, “If I had more time, I would have written a shorter letter.” It is indeed more difficult to write short pieces than long passages. It is also a lot of fun getting the cool idea out of my head and onto paper (or computer file), showing it to friends, and asking whether my writing explains the idea convincingly. HFSP Research Grant teams often tell us how much they worked on their Letter of Intent – and how much they enjoyed doing so. It’s true: the editing and rewriting process helps to develop and shape ideas.

 So take a look at the HFSP homepage, read the application guidelines, write up your coolest out-of-the-box idea and see where it leads you! I hope to be reading your application in the near future.

Banner about the International Human Frontier Science Program Organization research grants program, showing people in a circle holding hands in the middle, and text advertising the program details on the right.

Photo by Hu Chen on Unsplash 

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How to review interdisciplinary grants?


Salzburg, Austria - Josef Glößl, a founding member and long-time president of the Austrian Society for Molecular Biosciences and Biotechnology (ÖGMBT), was awarded an honorary membership during the opening of the 15th ÖGMBT Annual Meeting in Salzburg. The ceremony celebrated Glößl's remarkable contributions, particularly his calm yet decisive approach in steering ÖGMBT towards its objectives.

Joachim Seipelt, Treasurer and board member since ÖGMBT's inception, delivered a laudation acknowledging his instrumental role in shaping the society. Seipelt praised Glößl's dedication, stating, "Josef´s calm and determined approach has left an indelible mark on our society”.

f.l.t.r. Viktoria Weber, Josef Glößl & Joachim Seipelt


President Viktoria Weber, in recognizing Glößl's contributions, presented the honorary membership, trophy and certificate, expressing gratitude for his steadfast service for the Austrian life sciences community.

In his humble acceptance, Josef Glößl underscored the power of achieving goals together. He was one of the supporters of merging the three predecessor associations (ÖGMB, ÖGGGT und ÖGBT) and setting up a central office in order to build up and professionalize the activities of the ÖGMBT. His recognition joins a distinguished list of ÖGMBT honorary members each recognized for exceptional contributions to the ÖGMBT or their predecessor associations:

Karl Hermann Spitzy
Hans Tuppy
Erhard Wintersberger
Günther Kreil
Andreas Hartig
Karl Kuchler
Hans Grunicke
Ernst Müllner

Josef Glößl's honorary membership not only symbolizes his personal dedication but also the power of a composed and resolute leadership style. The ÖGMBT Annual Meeting, a flagship event in the scientific community, provides a platform for researchers and professionals to exchange knowledge, share their findings, and foster collaborations. The honorary membership awarded to Josef Glößl added a prestigious touch to this already impactful gathering, underscoring the importance of recognizing outstanding contributions in the field of molecular life sciences and biotechnology.



Page 1 of 11
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  • The FEMSmicro Monthly: June
    As member of the ÖGMBT you are automatically also member of the Federation of European Microbiology Societies (FEMS).   Dear member,   Welcome to the June edition of the FEMSmicro monthly newsletter! This month, we are excited to spotlight several Thematic Issues in our FEMS Journals, including Viruses of Microbes, Ecology of Soils 2024, and Modulating the Environment with Microbes. Explore the latest #FEMSmicroBlog articles and hear from members of…
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    Gemeinsam mit dem Vienna Open Lab und dem Institut für Molekulare Biotechnologie möchten wir am 22. März 2024 interessierte Schüler:innen wieder zum UniStem Day, dem europaweiten Stammzelltag, einladen! Für das Praxisprogramm sind Anmeldungen noch bis zum 26. Jänner möglich, für den Vortrag auch noch danach. Sollten Sie sich für Gesundheitsthemen interessieren und zur Forschung über Gesundheitskommunikation in Österreich beitragen wollen, können Sie uns unterstützen: Wir suchen Personen ab 16 Jahren, die an einer…
    SZABO-SCANDIC proudly presents a new logo and would like to explain what it represents. The design emphasises our commitment to the life science sector across Europe. It stands for our unified mission to provide top-tier life science products and services as well as driving progress in research and healthcare. The icon, inspired by the DNA helix, embodies the essence of life and innovation. Since 2 years SZABO-SCANDIC is part of Europa…
    STRATEGIC PARTNERSHIP OF EVOMEDIS GMBH, MEDICAL UNIVERSITY AND COREMED GRAZ Investing in the future of burn medicine: Alliance develops new cell-based therapy in Graz to Foster Wound Healing Innovations   EVOMEDIS has pledged an investment of €1.5 million over a span of two years into a collaborative project. The objective of this project is to develop EVOCellic, a ready-to-use wound healing solution for treating burns and chronic wounds that offers…
  • Winter School 2024 - LBG Career Center
    Revise & Revitalize Academic Writing, Presentation & Healthy Working Skills for Researchers The LBG Career Center Winter School offers pre- and post-doc researchers the opportunity to learn the fundamentals of scientific writing and presentation in a productive and supportive atmosphere. The goal of the Winter School is to demystify the unwritten rules of scientific writing and provide researchers with a clear blueprint for their articles and presentations. Modules on scientific…
  • Global Medicine Learning Manager
    Global Medicine Learning ManagerBoehringer Ingelheim RCVDer Beitrag Global Medicine Learning Manager erschien zuerst auf Jobbörse und Netzwerk für Naturwissenschaftler /-innen....
  • (Associate) Principal Scientist Preclinical PK/PD Modelling Cancer Research
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  • 27 PhD positions
    27 PhD positionsMedical University of GrazDer Beitrag 27 PhD positions erschien zuerst auf Jobbörse und Netzwerk für Naturwissenschaftler /-innen....
  • Global Innovation Deployment Senior Manager
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  • Global Learning Management System Associate Medicine (f/m/d)
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  • Gruppenleiter:in (w/m/d) Downstream
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  • Senior Quality IT Projectmanager
    Senior Quality IT ProjectmanagerBoehringer Ingelheim RCVDer Beitrag Senior Quality IT Projectmanager erschien zuerst auf Jobbörse und Netzwerk für Naturwissenschaftler /-innen....
  • Project Manager – Sustainable Energy Systems (w/m/d)
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  • (Senior) Manager regional environment and sustainability
    (Senior) Manager regional environment and sustainabilityBoehringer Ingelheim RCVDer Beitrag (Senior) Manager regional environment and sustainability erschien zuerst auf Jobbörse und Netzwerk für Naturwissenschaftler /-innen....
  • Product Manager for Bioinsecticides Biofungicides (f/m/d)
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