Präsident (2025-2026)
Priv. Doz. Dr. Michael Sauer |
1. Vizepräsident (Incoming-President)
Assoc.-Prof. Dr. Harald Pichler |
2. Vizepräsidentin (Past-President)
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Viktoria Weber |
Dr. Joachim Seipelt |
Zweigstellenleiter |
Zweigstellenleiter OST
Dr. Felix Sternberg |
Zweigstellenleiterin WEST
Assoc.-Prof. Dr. Johanna Gostner |
Zweigstellenleiter NORD
Assoc.-Prof. Dr. Nikolaus Fortelny |
Zweigstellenleiter SÜD
Assoc.-Prof. Dr. Harald Pichler |
Weitere Vorstandsmitglieder |
Dr. Eva Maria BinderHead of Translational Science |
Assoc.-Prof. DI Dr. Isabella DerlerInstitut für Biophysik |
Assoc.-Prof. Dr. Tobias EisenbergInstitute of Molecular Biosciences, University Graz |
Mag. Dr. Matthias Farlik-FödingerPrincipal Investigator Medical University of Vienna |
Univ.Prof. Dr. Ludger HengstGeschäftsführender Direktor Biozentrum |
Univ.-Prof. Dr. med. Lukas A. HuberDirector of the Cell Biology Division, |
Dr. Tanja KosticSenior Research Engineer |
Prof. Dr. Thomas RatteiProfessor for In silico genomics |
Dr. Lydia Riepler - ÖGMBT YLSA (Young Life Scientists Austria)Former Research Associate |
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mag. Evelyne SelberherrResearch Group Leader |
Doz. DI. Dr. Angela SessitschHead of Business Unit / Bioresources |
Fachbeirat |
Doz. Dr. Claudia JonakSenior Scientist |
Univ.Prof. Dipl.-Chem. Dr. Cornelia KasperHead of Institute of Cell and Tissue Culture Technologies, |
Univ. Prof. Mag. Dr. Barbara KoflerGroup Leader |
FH-Prof. Dr. Mag. Beatrix Kuen-KrismerDepartmentleiterin Applied Life Sciences,
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Martin Wagner Dipl. ECVPHHead of Center for Food Science and Public Veterinary Medicine |
Prof. Dr. Nikolaus ZacherlAustrian Biotech Industry ABI |