EFB Newsletter - November

Wednesday, 04 December 2024 08:42 Written by 
EFB Newsletter Banner
Biobased materials workshop banner
Register now — limited spots available!
Join the European Workshop on Biotechnology: Biobased Materials on 20-23 January 2025, HES-SO Valais, Sion, Switzerland.
This exclusive 4-day event, limited to 20 participants, offers expert-led lectures that are part of a mini-symposium and hands-on sessions on biobased materials in the lab.


AG Bio logo
Sustainable Food banner
Register and submit your abstract
Join the Sustainable Food Biotechnology Conference on 12-14 February 2025, Aveiro, Portugal, hosted by the EFB Plant, Agriculture, and Food Division.
Explore advances in food science, including crop biotechnology, next generation food, smart packaging, food waste valorization, soil health, and ethics.
Submit your abstract and secure your spot to connect with experts through keynote lectures, talks, posters, and networking.

  • Abstract submission deadline: 30 November 2024
  • Early bird registration deadline: 31 December 2024


ASBE7 sponsors
Biotechnology in extreme environments banner
Save the date
The EFB invites you to join us for an online conference on Biotechnology in Extreme Environments.
Mark your calendars for 9 April 2025 and stay tuned for further details on registration and agenda.
Green Deal Biotechnology banner
Register and submit your abstract
Registration is open for the Green Deal Biotechnology Conference, organized by the EFB Environmental Biotechnology Division.
Submit your abstracts for short talks and posters on environmental biotechnology and its frontiers.

  • Early bird and abstract submission deadline: 30 March 2025

  • Meet some of our keynote speakers:
    • Luisa Orsini, University of Birmingham and Daphne Water Solutions, UK
    • David Burton, Dalhousie University, CA
    • David Kelly, University of Sheffield, UK


    ASBE7 sponsors
Green for Good banner
Register and submit your abstract
Join the Green for Good (G4G2025) Conference on 1-4 September 2025, Olomouc, Czech Republic, organized by the EFB Plant, Agriculture and Food Division.
Explore key topics in plant biotechnology, including gene editing, plant diseases, smart agriculture, and waste utilization.
Attend keynote lectures, panel debates, and sessions like "Industry Meets Academia" with top experts and emerging researchers.
RPP12 banner
Save the date
The 12th Recombinant Protein Production Conference will be held on 7-9 October 2025 in Neu-Ulm, Germany.
Join top researchers and industry leaders to explore the latest in recombinant protein technology.
The official website, registration, and abstract submission details will be annouced soon.

asbevii banner
Thank you for joining ASBE7!
We would like to thank the participants, speakers, sponsors, and partners for their attendance and support.
The event brought together 150 participants from 28 countries and 40% of attendees were early-career scientists, fostering the next generation of researchers.
70% of participants presented their work, with 23 short talks, 35 flash posters, and 80 poster presentations.

ASBE7 sponsors





Bioeconomy Journal

Continuous biomanufacturing for sustainable bioeconomy applications



Impact factor: 4.5


New Biotechnology

Virus inactivation using an electrically conducting virus filter in biopharmaceutical manufacturing process

EuropaBio logo
Feedstock: the building blocks of EU's sustainability and resilience
A two-page informative paper providing insights on feedstock for biomanufacturing. The paper is part of sectorial-specific examples highlighting the contribution of biotech to a more sustainable, healthier, and resilient Europe. [+]
RSB logo
Research ethics
This event explores the fundamental principles of ethics, medical ethics, and most specifically research ethics, using relevant examples and providing practical guidance on seeking and applying for an ethical opinion. Opportunities will exist to ask questions and seek further information. This event is on Zoom between 09:00 – 13:00 on 23rd January 2025. For questions, contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. [+]
EFB Events

EFB Member Events



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  • EFB Newsletter - November
      Register now — limited spots available!   Join the European Workshop on Biotechnology: Biobased Materials on 20-23 January 2025, HES-SO Valais, Sion, Switzerland. This exclusive 4-day event, limited to 20 participants, offers expert-led lectures that are part of a mini-symposium and hands-on sessions on biobased materials in the lab. MAIN WORKSHOP SPONSOR Registration     Register and submit your abstract   Join the Sustainable Food Biotechnology Conference on 12-14…
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  • Data Product Owner (m/f/d)
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