FEBS January 2025 News
The FEBS Congress 2025: where science meets the spirit of Istanbul Get ready for an unforgettable scientific experience at the 49th FEBS Congress in vibrant Istanbul! Our dynamic program features world-leading scientists, including Mübeccel Akdis on food allergy mechanisms, Andrea Ballabio on lysosomal signaling in cancer, Annette G. Beck-Sickinger on G protein-coupled peptide receptors, Gökhan S. Hotamışlıgil on metabolic diseases, and Anne Bertolotti on protein quality control in neurodegenerative diseases. The exceptional scientific program includes not only inspiring plenary lectures but also cutting-edge…
Open Science News Letter 12/2024
Liebe Newsletter-Abonnent:innen, unter dem Motto "Essen für den Darm" haben Schüler:innen Rezepte ganz nach ihrem Geschmack mit Ballasstoffen „aufgemotzt“. Die Gerichte – von Pasta über Burger bis zu Wraps und Muffins – sind nicht nur gesund, sie schmecken auch noch richtig gut! Die Rezepte zum Nachkochen gibt es jetzt als Videos. Projektnews INDIKINA: Unser Kinderbuch zu Nahrungsmittelallergien für 5-10-Jährige ist jetzt kostenfrei auch gedruckt erhältlich! Projektnews FLOWER POWER: Das Projekt hat…
Open Science News Letter 11/2024
Liebe Newsletter-Abonnent:innen, wir freuen uns sehr, dass unser neues Projekt "Flower Power" im Oktober gestartet hat! Darin werden Schüler:innen und Pflanzen-Interessierte mithelfen, geeignete Pflanzen für die Versuche im Labor von Michael Mildner an der Medizinischen Universität Wien auszuwählen. Dieser leitet das Projekt und möchte mit seinem Team die Wirkung von pflanzlichen Wirkstoffen bei der Narbenbildung der menschlichen Haut untersuchen. Im November finden zwei Fortbildungen für Pädagog:innen zu den Themen Mikroorganismen…
Your FEBS Network highlights
Hello Austrian Association of Molecular Life Sciences and Biotechnology, You've opted in to receive a fortnightly round-up of the highlights from FEBS Network. Here's a list of the great content selected as a highlight in the past 2 weeks. FEBS Communications Kajal Singh Doctoral Student, Indian Institute of Science Education and Research Pune, IISER PUNE Brooke Morriswood former group leader, University of Würzburg Turkish Biochemical Society…
Deadline Nearing - 24th FEBS YSF 2025
The 24th FEBS Young Scientists’ Forum (YSF 2025) Dear Friends, We are delighted to invite you to the FEBS Young Scientists' Forum 2025 (YSF 2025), a unique gathering designed to inspire and connect the next generation of leaders in molecular life sciences. To participate you need to apply until December 12, 2024. This year, we are excited to host the YSF with the motto “Inspired by Nature, Driven by Science”…
FEMS NL November
This month, we will highlight the latest groundbreaking research within the microbiology community. We would also like to extend our congratulations to Dr Clare Taylor on her appointment as the new Editor-in-Chief of FEMS Microbiology Letters, starting in January 2025. The FEMS Journals and their Editor’s Choice articles are proud to offer insights into forefront of microbiology, from exploring the intricate relationship between microbes and climate change…
Unterstütze eine Studie an der Medizinischen Universität Wien
Die Abteilung für Primary Care Medicine, Medizinischen Universität Wien, führt unter der Leitung von Frau Prof. Kathryn Hoffmann eine Online-Fragebogenstudie zu Postakuten Infektionssyndromen (PAIS) durch und bittet die OEGMBT Community um Unterstützung: Zu den postakuten Infektionssyndromen (PAIS) gehören alle chronischen Erkrankungen, die nach einer akuten Infektion auftreten. Diese akuten Infektionen können durch viele verschiedene Viren oder Bakterien verursacht werden, z. B. SARS-CoV-2 (Covid-19), Influenza-Virus (die echte Grippe), Epstein-Barr-Virus, Borrelien (Lyme-Borreliose)…
The Gates Foundation and LifeArc*:
Dear Colleagues, The Gates Foundation and LifeArc* have launched a joint Grand Challenges request for proposals, "Innovations for Exceptionally Low-Cost Monoclonal Antibody (mAb) Manufacturing". Monoclonal antibodies are one of the most powerful tools in modern medicine. They are highly specific, safe, and effective medicines for a range of conditions, including treating non-communicable diseases and preventing and treating infectious diseases. These biologic therapies already save lives and improve the quality of…
Benefiting from the SLAS network
The ÖGMBT Young Life Sciences scientist Austria (YLSA) and SLAS have recently startet a collaboration. Both benefit from their respective networks. Especially young scientists though can enhance their studies and careers being informed in depth about SLAS. Lets start with what SLAS is: The Society for Laboratory Automation and Screening (SLAS) is an international professional society of academic, industry and government researchers as well as developers and providers of laboratory…
FEBS Newsletter - November 2024
No images? Click here Just out – the November 2024 issue of FEBS News 2024 has been a special 60th anniversary year for FEBS, with several extra activities to mark the milestone and further the organization's goals. In this issue of FEBS News, enjoy a round-up of anniversary projects, discover the latest news from the journals of FEBS, browse photos from the vibrant FEBS Congress in Milano this summer – and…