Invitation to participate: open consultation for Strategic Research & Innovation Agenda (SRIA)

Monday, 28 November 2022 11:31

Invitation to participate in an open consultation for the Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda (SRIA) in support for the European Partnership for Personalised Medicine, EP PerMed

It is our pleasure to inform you that the open consultation to validate and receive input for the Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda (SRIA) in support for the European Partnership for Personalised Medicine, EP PerMed, is launched. The outcome of the online consultation will be considered for the SRIA finalisation (02/2023) and the EP PerMed proposal (04/2023) as well as for developing activities and calls within the EP PerMed lifetime (Q4/2023-2030).

In preparation of the open consultation, the drafting group, with support of the European Commission, conducted almost 70 interviews with diverse stakeholders. Based on the interviews and consultation of strategic documents, a first set of 47 “Triplets of Action” was identified (further defined below). This list represents a first summary, adapted to a common format, but is not exhaustive and open for further input and refinement.

In a pre-final step (November 2022), the drafting group performs now an online consultation for the following purposes:

  • Communication of the SRIA in general and the identified “Triplets of Action” in specific,
  • To obtain general input, especially related to the “Triplets of Action”,
  • Input regarding the urgency and timing of the “Triplets of Action”,
  • To obtain suggestions for additional “Triplets of Action”.

The questionnaire will take around 30 min to be completed. The open consultation will close on 21 December 2022 and can be accessed through this link:


More information is available on the ICPerMed ( and ERA PerMed websites and provided at the end of this email.

We would be pleased about your participation in this open consultation.

Please share this information with your colleagues and other stakeholders that might contribute with their expertise to the EP PerMed SRIA.

For any question you might have regarding the EP PerMed and the SRIA, please contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..


Background information:

European Partnership for Personalised Medicine (EP PerMed)

The EP PerMed is one of the European research and innovation partnerships under Horizon Europe which will be dedicated to maximising the benefits of personalised medicine (PM) approaches. The European Commission and Member States have made large investments in personalised medicine over the years and this partnership builds on many of these investments. The core of the partnership is to invest in multidisciplinary, transnational research (basic, clinical, and translational) and innovation activities that will build and disseminate new knowledge, develop new technologies and methods, as well as supporting testing and piloting of the implementation of PM approaches. The partnership will work in close collaboration with other health partnerships and reach out to national, regional, and international initiatives and frameworks to ensure synergies and investments of scale. In addition, the partnership will include supportive activities contributing to policy, regulation and strengthening the field of health economics. Early this year, a draft proposal was published. At present the consortium is formed to draft the proposal for submission to the EC in April 2023. The investments from both Member States and the Commission for the 7-10 years duration of the partnership is expected to be over 300 Mio. Euros.

The EP PerMed Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda (SRIA), which is currently in preparation will guide the funding and supporting activities.

Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda (SRIA) to support the EP PerMed

All European Partnerships (EP) develop a SRIA before their launch to ensure that their long-term vision is translated into tailored roadmaps with activities, objectives and measurable outcomes.

The EP PerMed SRIA presents gaps, needs and challenges which should be addressed to maximise the benefits of Personalised Medicine approaches and ensure that there is an equal access to these approaches. The SRIA is divided into four areas of activities, “interdisciplinary research including basic, translational and clinical”, “innovation system” and “implementation” as well as “Overarching activities”. The consortium together with international experts and stakeholders have collected input and analysed reports. The drafting group, with kind support of the European Commission, organised almost 70 interviews with a diverse set of stakeholders. The interviews were translated into Triplets of Action (further explained below), where applicable.

A key element of the SRIA are the so-called Triplets of Action (challenge/objective/outcome) related to personalised medicine. The challenge/objective/outcome sequence allows to specify gaps, needs and actions in a structured and comparable way, following this definition:

Challenge:           Description of the status quo, indicate/indication what is still lacking, why this is the case and what negative consequences this has.

Objectives:          Indicates what exactly should be done to address the challenge in terms of specific actions.

Outcome:            Description of how the situation will have improved once the actions described in the objectives have been successfully implemented. 

The Triplets of Action will give an overview of needs and gaps and guide the prioritisation of challenges and subsequent actions. So far, over the different areas and chapters of the SRIA a total of 47 Triplets of Action were identified. This list is not exhaustive and open for further input and refinement.

By taking part in the open consultation launched in November 2022, participants can share their view on future activities and research for accelerating the implementation of personalised medicine approaches. Input from the whole spectrum of stakeholders and experts involved in the personalised medicine areas is encouraged, such as scientists, healthcare professionals, patients, citizens, policy advisors or individuals working in the pharma industry and biotech.

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