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Austrias Life Science Hot-Spot

ÖGMBT is a platform for scientific exchange and diversity by connecting researchers, students and corporates.

The 10th ÖGMBT Annual Meeting in Vienna included various sessions with top-class plenary speakers and gave young scientist the chance to present their work as short talks, poster flashes - for the first time - or during the poster session as posters and get exchanged with colleagues and established scientist from academia and industry.

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The scientific get together presented current research in the disciplines:

Biotechnology and molecular biology: Plant biotechnology, optimization of microbial workhorses for biotechnology, microbial chemical production, biopharmaceutical technologies, synthetic biology, molecular microbiology
Medical microbiology and immunology: Neuroimmunology, next-generation pathogen & antibiotic resistance diagnostics, new trends in allergy diagnosis and therapy, microbiomes: interplay of microbes, their hosts and environments, antimicrobial drugs: drug screening and prudent use, antimicrobial resistance: transfer of bugs and genes in diverse ecosystems
Cancer and human disease: From RNAomics to function, biological barriers in health and disease, extracellular vesicles in coagulation and inflammation, pluripotent stem cells and neural differentiation, cancer metabolism, autophagy and cell death, biomaterials in surgery, translational oncology

The range and quality of bioscientific research was reflected by the top speakers that took stage throughout the meeting, including the following invited speakers:


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Irina Borodina

Alexander Harms
University of Copenhagen, DK

Peter Zilla
Cape Town University, ZA 

Emilio Casanova
Medical University of Vienna, AT

Arnold J.M. Driessen
 Alain Brisson

Thibaud Coradin

Alexander Loy
University of Vienna, AT

Paul Cos
University of Antwerp, BE 

Christian Eckmann

John WA Rossen
University of Groningen, NL

 Stefan Jansson
Umeå University, SE

Christian Eckmann

Marc Stadler

 Annemarie Käsbohrer
University of Veterinary Medicine, Vienna, AT

Christopher Landowski

Roman Necina
Shire, AT
Liam O’Mahony

Stefan Rose-John

Marina Šantić
University of Rijeka, HR

Peter Vandenabeele
Ghent University, BE

Richard Daneman

Roman Jerala

Rick Livesey
University of Cambridge, UK

Marco Prinz

Joshua Rosenthal
The University of Chicago, US

Ana Ruiz-Saenz

Kerstin Schipper

Henning Walczak
UCL Cancer Institute, GB

Wolfram Weckwerth
University of Vienna, AT

Christine Ziegler


During the meeting the ÖGMBT and sponsors awarded young aspiring scientists and their extraordinary research with the  Life Science Research & PhD Awards Austria as well as the Best Poster and Best Talk Awards 2018. In the course of this honorary awards prize money in the total amount of 13.100 EUR was awarded.

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Dora Tarlungeanu (IST), Life Science PhD Award Austria 2018,category: basic research, sponsored by Polymun;
  Somanath Kallolimath (BOKU),
Life Science PhD Award Austria, category: applied science, sponsored by THP
Cosmas Arnold (IMP), Life Science Research Award Austria 2018, category: basic research, sponsored by BMDW
Matthias Muhar (IMP), Life Science Research Award Austria 2018, category: applied science, sponsored by BMDW
Therese Wohlschlager (Universität Salzburg), Life Science Research Award Austria 2018, special award for excellence & societal impact, sponsored by BMDW

Find out more about the Life Science Research Awards Austria
and the Life Science PHD Awards Austria

Lisa Gabler, Georg Csukovich, Michael Tscherner, Christina Kumpitsch, Carina Hasenöhrl, Artur Schuller, Patricia Roman Carrasco, Markus Schosserer, Gabriela Eder, Best Poster Awards 2018 sponsored by Life & Health Science Cluster Tirol, Microsynth and Biozym.

Find out more about the Best Talk & Poster Prizes
Benjamin Bayer, Noa Wolff, Magdalena Schneider und Dominik Jeschek, Best Talk Awards 2018 sponsored by Polymun Scientific.


Find out more about the Best Talk & Poster Prizes

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