New ÖGMBT company member
Monday, 03 October 2022 02:01We welcome our new ÖGMBT Company Member: Ludwig Boltzmann Gesellschaft Career Center (LBG-CC)
LBG Career Center – We care for Pre- & Post-Docs
We support (young) researchers in Austria in achieving their individual career goals – in or outside of academia. Contact us for a career chat, join our workshops or special programs and design your own unique career path! We empower you to enhance your knowledge and skills for your next career steps and to expand your network. Apply for our next program “Digital Transformation for Researchers” until October 16 and dive deeper into the world of Digitization & Data Science.
CYTIVA virtual half-day forum
Thursday, 29 September 2022 04:22Half-day virtual event from Cytiva: How biotech startups and translational researchers can prepare to bring innovative treatments to patients
Cytiva has invited several noteworthy colleagues from our industry to share their experience in an intimate online forum.
Join guests from THT Biomaterials (Vienna, AT), Charité (Berlin, DE), Prime Vector Technologies (Tübingen, DE), and a few Cytiva mentors who will discuss the challenges, triumphs, and key considerations for the development and delivery of novel therapies to patients.
In this virtual half-day forum, Cytiva invites industry leaders to share their experiences with overcoming obstacles and bringing novel therapies to patients. Join for guidance on what to expect on the translational journey along with how to avoid common pitfalls as you get started.
The program will be presented in two sessions with a 20-minute intermission. It will end with a roundtable discussion where you will have the chance to ask the experts your questions on how best to bridge basic research and clinical trials
When: Tuesday, 18 Oct, from 14:00 – 18:00 pm
More details: registration page - sign up and participate.
Even if your schedule conflicts, you are encouraged to register, as you will be sent a recording after the event.
Life Sciences - Ausschreibung mit 31 Mio. € Budget gestartet
Wednesday, 28 September 2022 09:18
31 Millionen Euro Budget stehen im Rahmen der Life Sciences Ausschreibung 2022 für Forschungs- und Entwicklungsprojekte und Klinische Studien zur Verfügung. Die Förderobergrenzen der reinen Zuschuss-Förderung liegen bei € 500.000,- im Falle von Unternehmensprojekten, bei € 1.000.000 im Falle von Klinischen Studien. Eine Antragstellung ist laufend bis längstens 29.12.2022 (12 Uhr) möglich.
European Researchers’ Night “Life is Science – in a digital world” - 30.09.2022
Wednesday, 21 September 2022 03:51The European Researchers' Night "Life is Science - in a digital world" is an event that takes place simultaneously throughout Europe once a year and invites the public to get a taste of the everyday life of research institutions.
This year, the Austrian Center of Industrial Biotechnology (acib) and the St. Pölten University of Applied Sciences will jointly organize a hands-on event for young and old, for your school class and for the whole family.
Embark on an exciting journey through life science research on the topics of health & food, climate & environment, digital transformation and culture & community. Listen to exciting lectures, discuss current issues and try one or the other experiment yourself!
In Austria there are 3 different European Researcher's Night initiatives in Vienna, Salzburg, Innsbruck, St. Pölten and Graz as well as on the web.
The program in St. Pölten and Graz has the motto "Life is Science - in a digital world" and is organized by the Austrian Center for Industrial Biotechnology (acib) and the St. Pölten University of Applied Sciences. Details can be found here:
exploREsearch – from East to West in Austria
The program in Vienna, Salzburg, Innsbruck and on the web is themed “exploREsearch”. It is organized in cooperation with the Children's University, the University of Applied Arts Vienna, the University of Salzburg, the University of Innsbruck, the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences Vienna (BOKU), Science Communication and bee produced. The details can be found on
research festival
In addition, the state of Lower Austria organizes the Research Festival Lower Austria in the Palais Niederösterreich in Vienna as part of the European Researchers' Night. Details can be found at
Life Sciences-Ausschreibung 2022 geöffnet
Tuesday, 13 September 2022 12:02
31 Millionen Euro Budget stehen im Rahmen der Life Sciences Ausschreibung 2022 für Forschungs- und Entwicklungsprojekte und Klinische Studien zur Verfügung. Die Förderobergrenzen der reinen Zuschuss-Förderung liegen bei € 500.000 im Falle von Unternehmensprojekten, bei € 1.000.000 im Falle von Klinischen Studien. Die Höhe des Zuschusses ist abhängig vom Organisationstyp und der Forschungskategorie. Eine Antragstellung ist laufend bis längstens 29.12.2022 (12 Uhr) möglich. Die Förderentscheidungen werden laufend zu fixen Stichtagen getroffen.
Weitere Informationen:
New ÖGMBT company members
Thursday, 08 September 2022 10:55We welcome our new ÖGMBT Company Members: PHIO scientific GmbH, The Core Facilities of the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences (BOKU), Ribbon Biolabs, VALIDOGEN, DirectSens, The Doctoral School in Microbiology and Ecosystem Science
PHIO scientific GmbH is a high tech company from Munich, one of th e leading biotech-hubs in Europe. Our fully automatic, super compact microscopes and cutting-edge AI analysis platform allow for continuous imaging inside the incubator and tracking of cell growth, viability, motility and phenotype - on the fly. Our mission is to boost cell culture quality and cell-based research.
The Core Facilities of the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences (BOKU), Vienna centrally provide infrastructure and expertise from a broad range of different scientific disciplines, covering fields such as biochemical and biomolecular analyses, microscopy, bioinformatics, as well as bioprocess and food engineering. Our services are available for everyone: BOKU internal as well as external users, such as industry and other scientific organizations, are warmly welcome!
Ribbon Biolabs mission is to serve the growing need for synthetic DNA as a fundamental component for innovation in biotechnology and biopharma. By providing our customers with rapid access to DNA molecules of sub-genomic size and in thousands of variants, we will empower them to create visionary solutions and to engineer novel products. Our revolutionary technology combines biology, computing and automation, allowing for fast and precise high throughput production of long DNA. Synthetic biology taken to the next level.
VALIDOGEN - Pichia pastoris Protein Expression Excellence
VALIDOGEN, formerly known as VTU Technology, is a leading Austrian contract research and development company. VALIDOGEN offers UNLOCK PICHIA - the broadest toolbox and most versatile technology platform available for Pichia pastoris recombinant peptide/protein production. VALIDOGEN develops high performance expression strains and economically viable protein production processes for the manufacture of biopharmaceuticals, enzymes and various other recombinant proteins. Founded in 2008, the company emerged to a globally recognized player in the field of Pichia pastoris based protein expression.
DirectSens was founded in 2013 as a BOKU Spinoff to convert scientific results into next generation biosensor solutions for the detection of carbohydrates. Since then, multiple products have been introduced to the market: The LactoSens has become the gold standard in Lactose testing, which is vital to the dairy industry. For the medical diagnostic field, continuous measurement systems detecting Glucose and Lactate are currently developed in collaboration with national and international partners. The fundamentally new architecture along with the flexibility of the technology enables DirectSens to provide its customers with reliable solutions for a wide range of applications.
The Doctoral School in Microbiology and Ecosystem Science is a doctoral program that is unique in offering interdisciplinary training at the interfaces of microbiology, ecology, and environmental geosciences to address current challenges in the 21st century society, including the role of microbiomes, adaptation and resistance mechanisms, biogeochemistry, pollutant dynamics and nutrient fluxes in global change and for human, animal, plant, and environmental health. Our students are trained in the interdisciplinary environment at the Centre for Microbiology and Environmental Systems Science, which includes molecular microbiology, evolutionary and computational biology, and environmental sciences. Students have access to high-level infrastructure to study microbes, microbe-host interactions, and environmental processes at the forefront of fundamental and applied sciences.
Wednesday, 07 September 2022 02:14The Life Science Career Paths series has new videos online from our events in May and June:
LabBuddy in May:
Job profile: "Entrepreneur in the life science field" by Koos van der Kolk (founder & CEO of LabBuddy)
Workshop: "Teaching skills - e-learning developer in the life science field" by Tineke Bijl (Head E-learning at LabBuddy)
DSM in June:
Job Profile: "Product Manager" by Luis Valenzuela (Global Product Manager at Gut Health DSM)
Workshop: "Let’s go Job Hunting - How to find the right company" by Claudia Huber-Newman (Senior Recruiter at DSM)
Check out our YouTube channel and watch the videos of all our Life Science Career Paths events!
See website for upcoming events:
As an YLSA volunteer you are part of an active team of early career researchers that are operating all over Austria! The team is organizing monthly career events, company visits and social events like the regulars’ table. Join the initiative now and boost your career:
VWGÖ: Wissenschaft im Wirtshaus
Wednesday, 07 September 2022 02:07VWGÖ: Wissenschaft im Wirtshaus
The new initiative "Wissenschaft im Wirtshaus" by the state of Lower Austria is organized together with WissensDurst and the Association of Austrian Scientific Societies (VWGÖ). Scientists give an insight into their research area in an understandable way, talk about their work and present current research results. For this purpose, the stage inns in Obersiebenbrunn and Mödling open their doors and offer all those interested a relaxed atmosphere for enjoying science. Admission is free! Food and drinks are charged separately by the inns.
Pre-registration for the individual lectures is requested under Wissenschaft im Wirtshaus - Land Niederösterreich, where you will also find further details. The lecture dates can be attended independently of each other.
Upcoming lectures on the topic "Allergy, a widespread disease - through research into diagnosis and therapy" on Bauer's stage in Obersiebenbrunn (Marktplatz 3, 2283 Obersiebenbrunn):
Admission: 6:00 p.m
Start of event: 7:00 p.m
Event duration: max. 2 hours (duration of lecture max. 1 hour)
- Tuesday September 13, 2022 | "Allergies in childhood" | Prim. Assoc. Prof. Priv.-Doz. Dr. Thomas Eiwegger, Karl Landsteiner Private University for Health Sciences Krems and University Hospital St. Pölten
- Wednesday September 14, 2022 | “What our allergy research could do for people” | Univ.-Prof. dr Rudolf Valenta, Medical University of Vienna and Karl Landsteiner Private University for Health Sciences Krems
The second series of lectures on the topic "Water and Health" will take place on the following dates in the Mautwirtshaus / Bühne Mayer, Mödling (Kaiserin Elisabethstraße 22, 2340 Mödling):
Admission: 6:00 p.m
Start of event: 7:00 p.m
Event duration: max. 2 hours (duration of lecture max. 1 hour)
- Monday September 19, 2022 | "Water: The building block of our life" | Univ.-Prof. Dr. Gerald Obermair, Karl Landsteiner Private University for Health Sciences Krems
- Wednesday September 21, 2022 | "The role of hydrology in water supply" | Univ.-Prof. Dr. Paul Blaschke, Vienna University of Technology
- Tuesday, October 4th, 2022 | "Water quality and health: What you absolutely need to know about it" | Univ.-Prof. Dr. Andreas Farnleitner, Karl Landsteiner Private University for Health Sciences Krems and Vienna University of Technology
- Tuesday, October 11, 2022 | "Bacteria in drinking water - friends or foes?" | Assoc.-Prof. Dr. Alexander Kirschner, Medical University of Vienna and Karl Landsteiner Private University for Health Sciences Krems
- Wednesday October 19, 2022 | "Water in the cycle of human use: water hygiene challenges" | Ao. Univ.-Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Dr. Regina Sommer, Medical University of Vienna
Registration requested – register here:
See also our event section
The FEMSmicro Monthly: August
As a member of the ÖGMBT you are automatically also member of the Federation of European Microbiology Societies (FEMS). Dear member, August has been an exciting month for the microbiology community! Our top Editor's choice journals continue to deliver groundbreaking research, while our blog explores recent discoveries on urinary tract infections, microbial interactions within honey bee hives, and innovative strategies for combating pathogens using sugar transporters. In addition…29.08.2024,
Lexogen offers RNA-Seq Service
Lexogen NGS Services exclusively offers High-throughput RNA-Seq Service using QuantSeq-Pool with savings of up to 50%, valid until the end of 2024. QuantSeq-Pool uses sample barcoding and established 3’ mRNA sequencing to retrieve expression data from 100s – 1000s of samples used for large-scale screenings of cell-based assays. For this end of year promotion, we accept 48+ samples from cultured cells or other high-quality samples (RIN > 7) at our…26.08.2024,
OECD Forschungsförderungsprogramm für 2025 ausgeschrieben
Die finanzielle Unterstützung für das Jahr 2025 über das OECD Forschungsförderungsprogramm „Co-operative Research Programme: Sustainable Agricultural and Food Systems“ ist ausgeschrieben. Dieses OECD Forschungsförderungsprogramm wird durch das Bundesministerium für Soziales, Gesundheit, Pflege und Konsumentenschutz gefördert. Haben Sie vor 2025 eine internationale hybride, virtuelle oder Präsenz- Veranstaltung (Workshop, Konferenz, Kongress, etc.) zu aktuellen Forschungsthemen in den Bereichen Landwirtschaft, Lebensmittel, Fischerei oder Wald zu organisieren? Oder möchten Sie Ihr Forschungsprojekt im…23.07.2024,
EFB Newsletter - July
The ÖGMBT has a very wide international network and is a member of several relevant scientific societies like EFB. ÖGMBT members are automatically members of these societies and are entitled many benefits such as 10% member discount for EFB organized congresses. Current calls and deadlines are published on our webpage and are sent to our members within the ÖGMBT newsletter. Email not displaying correctly? View it in your browser.…23.07.2024,
The FEMSmicro Monthly: June
As member of the ÖGMBT you are automatically also member of the Federation of European Microbiology Societies (FEMS). Dear member, Welcome to the June edition of the FEMSmicro monthly newsletter! This month, we are excited to spotlight several Thematic Issues in our FEMS Journals, including Viruses of Microbes, Ecology of Soils 2024, and Modulating the Environment with Microbes. Explore the latest #FEMSmicroBlog articles and hear from members of…05.07.2024,
Nachruf Helmut Schwab
Univ.-Prof.i.R. Dipl.-Ing. Dr.techn. Helmut Schwab 16.05.1950 – 24.06.2024 Mit großer Betroffenheit gibt die ÖGMBT das Ableben ihres langjährigen Mitglieds Univ.-Prof.i.R. Dipl. Ing. Dr. Helmut Schwab bekannt. Helmut Schwab wurde am 16. Mai 1950 in Kapfenberg geboren und studierte an der TU Graz Technische Chemie. Nach Forschungs- und Entwicklungsarbeiten in der Industrie kehrte Helmut an die TU Graz zurück, habilitierte 1988 für Biotechnologie unter spezieller Berücksichtigung der Gentechnik, absolvierte…05.07.2024,
Call for support: The dessert that changed the world
An international team of artists and scientists is creating a graphic novel to tell the story of the forgotten woman who introduced agar (and its derivative, agarose) to the life sciences, Fanny Angelina Hesse (1850-1934). The story will present the historical context and present significance of agar and its uses. A major source will be new historical material about Fanny Angelina Hesse shared by the great-grandchildren. Please support the team…02.07.2024,
OECD „Co-operative Research Programme: Sustainable Agricultural and Food Dieses OECD Forschungsförderungsprogramm wird durch das Bundesministerium für Soziales, Gesundheit, Pflege und Konsumentenschutz gefördert. Haben Sie vor 2025 eine internationale hybride, virtuelle oder Präsenz- Veranstaltung (Workshop, Konferenz, Kongress, etc.) zu aktuellen Forschungsthemen in den Bereichen Landwirtschaft, Lebensmittel, Fischerei oder Wald zu organisieren? Oder möchten Sie Ihr Forschungsprojekt im Ausland durchführen und dadurch internationale Netzwerke aufbauen? In diesem Fall empfehlen wir Ihnen eine Finanzierung durch dieses OECD-Forschungsförderungs-Programm zu…28.06.2024,
Life Sciences Awards Austria - CALL EXTENDED
Extended application deadline until June 16, 2024 Life Sciences Research Awards Austria supported by the Federal Ministry for Labour and Economy (BMAW): Basic Science / Applied Research / Excellence & Societal Impact (Prize à € 3.000.-) Life Sciences PhD Awards Austria supported by Polymun Scientific und THP Medical Products: Basic Science / Applied Research (Prize à € 1.500.-) The awardees have the unique chance to present…10.06.2024,
European Researchers' Night 2024 - Call for exhibitors
Aussteller gesucht für die European Researchers' Night 2024! Seid dabei, wenn wir am 27. September von 15:00 bis 20:00 Uhr an der Universität Graz das Event "Life is Science in a World turned Upside Down" veranstalten. Präsentiert eure Forschung und interagiert mit einem neugierigen Publikum. Highlight des Abends: das Science Slam Österreich Finale! Interessiert daran, Teil dieses einzigartigen Wissenschaftsfestivals zu werden? Dann retourniert uns euer ausgefülltes Ausstellerdatenblatt! Anmeldeschluss ist der…10.06.2024,
FEMS micro monthly
View this email in your browser As a member of the ÖGMBT you are automatically also member of the Federation of European Microbiology Societies (FEMS). Dear member, While Europe basks in the summer sun, many of us are enjoying well-earned breaks. But even as we relax, the world of microbiology continues its relentless pace. To keep you updated on the latest breakthroughs, we are excited…06.08.2024,by Nachbaur
EURAXESS Austria network: Pub Quiz
EURAXESS veranstaltet am 20. Juni ein Pub Quiz für internationale (Jung)Forscher/innen in Wien und es sind noch ein paar Plätze frei! Nähere Infos unter:,
Call for Exhibitors: European Researchers' Night at Graz
Aussteller gesucht für die European Researchers' Night 2024! Seid dabei, wenn wir am 27. September von 15:00 bis 20:00 Uhr an der Universität Graz das Event "Life is Science in a World turned Upside Down" veranstalten. Präsentiert eure Forschung und interagiert mit einem neugierigen Publikum. Highlight des Abends: das Science Slam Österreich Finale! Interessiert daran, Teil dieses einzigartigen Wissenschaftsfestivals zu werden? Dann retourniert uns euer ausgefülltes Ausstellerdatenblatt! Anmeldeschluss ist der…24.05.2024,by acib GmbH
Open Science -News 05/2024
Am 24.5.2024 findet wieder die Lange Nacht der Forschung statt! Open Science ist dieses Mal mit Mitmachstationen zum Thema Allergien und zur Genschere CRISPR an zwei Standorten mit dabei. Bei unseren Projekten hat sich in letzter Zeit viel getan, wie etwa bei "Indikina": Unser interaktives Kinderbuch zum Thema Allergien bekommt aktuell noch den letzten Feinschliff und wird im Juni am Kinderliteraturfestival in Wien präsentiert! Im Projekt "BaMiKo" wird fleißig gekocht, und…15.05.2024,by Khassidov
Open Science - News
Passend zur Zeitumstellung vom Wochenende gibt es bei uns ein neues Quiz zum Thema Chronobiologie. Dieser Forschungszweig beschäftigt sich damit, wie die innere Uhr des Menschen funktioniert und wie äußere Einflüsse auf sie wirken. Was wissen Sie darüber? Testen Sie Ihr Wissen! Unser Wissensartikel zur Chronobiologie kann Ihnen beim Beantworten der elf Fragen behilflich sein. Mit dem UniStem Day ist am 22. März eine Veranstaltung für Schüler:innen zum Thema Stammzellen erfolgreich…05.04.2024,by Putz
Open Science - News
Im Februar hat unser neues Projekt BAMIKO gestartet, bei dem sich alles um die Mikroorganismen im Darm dreht. Demnächst sollen Kochvideos zum Thema ballaststoffreiche Ernährung und (Darm)gesundheit für Jugendliche und junge Erwachsene entstehen, wir halten Sie am Laufenden! Im Projekt „Genetik: Betrifft mich (nicht)?" fand eine Fortbildung für Lehrkräfte der Wiener VHS statt. Ende April wird es auf unserer Website neue Unterrichtsmaterialien zu Genetik und Internetrecherche geben. "I've got potential baby! Stammzellen und…13.03.2024,by Putz
Call for Application: Peers4Careers 2024
Peers4Careers is back! Applications will be accepted through March 3, 2024 exclusively via a brief video statement. Please email your 2-minute video to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Setting goals is easy, but reaching them is not always straightforward. That's where Peers4Careers (P4C) steps in – a transformative 9-month accountability program designed to empower you on your journey towards success! This program targets young but also experienced researchers, no matter whether you just started…30.01.2024,by Khassidov
Open Science - News
Gemeinsam mit dem Vienna Open Lab und dem Institut für Molekulare Biotechnologie möchten wir am 22. März 2024 interessierte Schüler:innen wieder zum UniStem Day, dem europaweiten Stammzelltag, einladen! Für das Praxisprogramm sind Anmeldungen noch bis zum 26. Jänner möglich, für den Vortrag auch noch danach. Sollten Sie sich für Gesundheitsthemen interessieren und zur Forschung über Gesundheitskommunikation in Österreich beitragen wollen, können Sie uns unterstützen: Wir suchen Personen ab 16 Jahren, die an einer…22.01.2024,by Putz
SZABO-SCANDIC proudly presents a new logo and would like to explain what it represents. The design emphasises our commitment to the life science sector across Europe. It stands for our unified mission to provide top-tier life science products and services as well as driving progress in research and healthcare. The icon, inspired by the DNA helix, embodies the essence of life and innovation. Since 2 years SZABO-SCANDIC is part of Europa…15.11.2023,
STRATEGIC PARTNERSHIP OF EVOMEDIS GMBH, MEDICAL UNIVERSITY AND COREMED GRAZ Investing in the future of burn medicine: Alliance develops new cell-based therapy in Graz to Foster Wound Healing Innovations EVOMEDIS has pledged an investment of €1.5 million over a span of two years into a collaborative project. The objective of this project is to develop EVOCellic, a ready-to-use wound healing solution for treating burns and chronic wounds that offers…14.11.2023,
Group Senior Network Security Engineer
Group Senior Network Security EngineerOctapharma Pharmazeutika Produktionsges.m.b.H.Der Beitrag Group Senior Network Security Engineer erschien zuerst auf Jobbörse und Netzwerk für Naturwissenschaftler /-innen....02.09.2024,
Coordenador de Território – Região MT,PR e Paraguai
Coordenador de Território – Região MT,PR e ParaguaiSAN GroupDer Beitrag Coordenador de Território – Região MT,PR e Paraguai erschien zuerst auf Jobbörse und Netzwerk für Naturwissenschaftler /-innen....31.08.2024,
Analista da Garantia da Qualidade Jr – Temporário
Analista da Garantia da Qualidade Jr – TemporárioSAN GroupDer Beitrag Analista da Garantia da Qualidade Jr – Temporário erschien zuerst auf Jobbörse und Netzwerk für Naturwissenschaftler /-innen....31.08.2024,
Regional Clinical Trial Manager
Regional Clinical Trial ManagerBoehringer Ingelheim RCVDer Beitrag Regional Clinical Trial Manager erschien zuerst auf Jobbörse und Netzwerk für Naturwissenschaftler /-innen....31.08.2024,
Patient Safety Physician (m/f/d)
Patient Safety Physician (m/f/d)Octapharma Pharmazeutika Produktionsges.m.b.H.Der Beitrag Patient Safety Physician (m/f/d) erschien zuerst auf Jobbörse und Netzwerk für Naturwissenschaftler /-innen....23.08.2024,
Laboratory Technician- Application and Complaint Management (m/f/d)
Laboratory Technician- Application and Complaint Management (m/f/d)DSM Austria GmbHDer Beitrag Laboratory Technician- Application and Complaint Management (m/f/d) erschien zuerst auf Jobbörse und Netzwerk für Naturwissenschaftler /-innen....23.08.2024,
Senior Product Manager Allergens (m/f/d)
Senior Product Manager Allergens (m/f/d)DSM Austria GmbHDer Beitrag Senior Product Manager Allergens (m/f/d) erschien zuerst auf Jobbörse und Netzwerk für Naturwissenschaftler /-innen....23.08.2024,
Data Specialist (m/f/d)
Data Specialist (m/f/d)Octapharma Pharmazeutika Produktionsges.m.b.H.Der Beitrag Data Specialist (m/f/d) erschien zuerst auf Jobbörse und Netzwerk für Naturwissenschaftler /-innen....23.08.2024,
Scientist in Strain Development (m/f/d)
Scientist in Strain Development (m/f/d)DSM Austria GmbHDer Beitrag Scientist in Strain Development (m/f/d) erschien zuerst auf Jobbörse und Netzwerk für Naturwissenschaftler /-innen....14.08.2024,
Scientist in Bioprocess Development (m/f/d)
Scientist in Bioprocess Development (m/f/d)DSM Austria GmbHDer Beitrag Scientist in Bioprocess Development (m/f/d) erschien zuerst auf Jobbörse und Netzwerk für Naturwissenschaftler /-innen....14.08.2024,